Monday, December 26, 2011

Hello Family!!!
Well it was absolutely amazing talking to you guys yesterday on the phone, i just loved it so much! Hearing all of your voices, being able to talk and get a response right then, as opposedto waiting a week, you know how it is! it was a great experience.
Dad, thank you for the inspriing words yesterday! also, i am glad to hear that the devils are doing well, and that you got to go to the bushmans to eat some tenderloin. We will need to go to some hockey games when i get back, just so i can get caught up on everything haha, it will be sweet! im glad to hear that work is nice and tranquil, just a little question, are you making bank??? hahah!!!
Mom, i do honesly hate the fact that there are ´snakes´ here, it just makes me miss michelle more because there wouldnt be any snakes if me and her were just already married, living together, and only us! But, thats in the future, so i will just patiently wait. When you said yougot a bosch mixer, i thought you were saying that you got another dog, haha. At first i was like WHATT!? Because 2 is enough i think, but thats sweet that you have the mixer for your heaven bread.
ok now onto the family letter!
i really dont have much to say than i said yesterday, but i can clear up that package question michelle. just send the package to the exact same address as before, itsa rule that it has to be sent there, but if you guys who are sending packages send them today or in the next 2 days it will likely get here before the next leadership conference, and so i will get them in 2 weeks as opposed to 1 month and a half!

so christmas was awesome only because i got to talk to you guys! we stayed in that house all day, and it was like 1000 degrees, but all was good because we got to talk. today i have felt sick the entire day, i dont know why, i think its something i ate though because 2 others in our house are feeling sick as well, uggg not fun. But regardless, things are going well!

Well one thing that i didnt mmention in the call yesterday is that we seriously have one of the most beautiful church buildings i have ever seen. it is like in between a chapel and a temple, its huge and just awesome! itook some photos that i will send. also, the other photos that i will try to send are as follows;
one is me eating the half a watermelon i bought while we wereliving in the secretaries house during the whole robber thing
second is me with elder de jesus, who was an awesome companion. while pretty short, he is nonetheless a stud
and third is me with a cow, hahah i was laughing ebcause the cow kept walking along the fence with me, trying to play, and it was just entertaining haha
other missionaries were on the phone for almost 2 hours! and i heard that everyone does this on the mission, literally everyone, so i think we may talk for more time on mothers day ;), especially if i hear that president is ok with it. because everyone does it!
Marilia is a nice city, people are alot more receptive of the missionaries here. i think its going to be a good transfer of work, the city itself is actually sort of ugly, but only because its poorer here, so i dont know that to say haha.
i was at wal mart the other day! it basically had nothing american, and while this may be impossible to comprehend, it was lesser quality of things than the wal marts in america, haha it wasridiculous, but what can we expect
i have a goal this year to read the bible,my portuguese bible has a calendar type deal for ´ read the bible in 2 years´ with a chapter each day, but i just will do both years at the same time. it should be fun, and also a headache during the old testament!
i dont have much more to say today, also i dont have much more time. so i will leave you with this!! i love you guys so much, thank you for that call yesterday, the emails today, michelle my sweetheart thankyou for the letter! and i will talk to you all next week! also im going to try to put the pictures on now. so thank you ! i love you! byeee
-Elder Zachary Paul Hoskin

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hello Family!
Well once again its mayhem here because of transfers and such today, but the emails will continue.
First off Grandma and Grandpa, thank you for the email! i am glad tohear that Alysa will be home for Christmas, and i want to wish you a merry christmas as well. I got your package! and as requested, i will wait until christmas to actually open it, i hope i can wait.. but i will i promise! thank you :)
Dad, thank you for the email as well! im glad to hear that you are starting work today, im sure it will be great. also, the christmas party is a perfect way to get to know everyone there, so i am excited for you! im glad to hear the devils are doing well, and also i am extremely excited for the CHRISTMAS CALL!!!!!!!!!!! i will write down those times and try to coordinate it as best as i can, to fit everyones schedule but we will have to see.
ok now to the family letter!!
well first off i want to spill the beans that i am being transfered! to an area called marilia (ma-dee-lee-uh). its in sao paulo, so its going to be extrmely hot, and i hear that depending on the area the ward is going to be amazing, so that is good. i still dont know my companion, or my specific area, but i am leaving on a bus tomorrow at 5 oclock, so i will be emailing you again this week about the specifics for the christmas call. thank you for the information dad, i will use it to try and make it go as smooth as possible. but i am excited! i hear that it is different in são paulo than it is in parana (londrina), people are alot more happier up there, and are just excited, so i am excited to go! i will also scribble some first impressions when i send the next email.
onto this week, well we had christmas conference! there were 98 missionaries there, so basically half of the mission, and it was really good even though it was really only a zone conference, no celebrations really, but there was a white elephant sort of deal! i was literally the last person picked, out of 98 misisonaries, in a random drawing, so i got to choose any present to swap with. and i chose a harmonica, because it was sweet and i love music, only to remember that instruments are not allowed in the mission, so i just gave it to a missionary named elder dewey, who left for home today after 2 years. but it was good! i learned alot. also, every meeting starts with the preach my gospel purpose in english and portuguese, and 2 missionaries, one in english one in portuguese. well i was called to give it in portuguese, it was a little nerve wrecking but it went well! so no complaints
i also got the letter that you guys sent with the voting registration. i will try to mail that as quickly as possible! thank you for it. also thank you for the letter from joe, he didnt give a return address since you guys sent it for him, so unless i hear differently i will just mail a letter in response to our house, and you guys can find him and give it to him, no big deal.
we have a really great baptism story! another baptism for us, but its going to be this saturday after i leave. her name is fernanda, and she is 17 years old. and she had been to church different times, but never had a book of mormon, so we gave her a book of mormon during a lesson with other people as well, and she had to leave early so she left before us, and then we ended up leaving only a few minutes after, and she was in the street walking and reading at the same time, already just going at it to read! and so we invited her to pray about it and everything, and she recieved a response that the book of mormon is true, and now will be baptized this saturday! she is a great story of the power of the book of mormon, and her family has been intersted too, and now i think whoever is here will be able to work with them as well.
about counting baptisms, i have decided to not count. the place in preach my gospel where we write the names of people baptized and confirmed i just covered with a picture of the copenhangen temple. i dont want to count, or make a deal like some other missionaries do about how many people ive baptized, so im just going to do the best i can and be satisfied with it. woo!
well time is cut short today, i am very sorry for that, but i will email again this week! i love you guys, very much, and i am so excited to call! so until later this week, bye!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hello Family!!
Well Before i do ANYTHING, i am going to straighten out the whole phone call thing possibly being not on christmas christmas. Well president tavares saw how clearly the transfer could mess things up for alot of people, so he has said that everyone who will be transfered is allowed to email their families again during the week, after the transfer to set up the call for christmas. so woo!! all is well with that.

now to the letter letter!
well first off i will start with something more spiritual. i dont know what it was, but last tuesday or wednesday its almost like something clicked. as a missionary i am always doing spritual things, reading and studying spiritual things, just trying to increase my knowledge and feel the spirit. well i dont know what happened, but last tuesday or wednesday something clicked, and since then i have seriously been feeling the spirit basically constantly throughout the day. Literally throughout the entire day! not just in lessons, or prayers, or study, but just walking down the street, doing anything. and it has made me happier, more excited, and is helping me more during my lessons, portuguese, everything! its incredible. the holy ghost really is the constant companion, and it has grown my testimony alot this past week.
to be honest i have been studying alot, conference talks and scriptures, and ive really been expanding in what i can just whip out during lessons or when talking with people. also, ive been practicing my language by reading ´our search for happiness´ in portuguese out loud, and in the MTC i would read in portuguese and barely understand, have to look up words constantly process it, but now with this excercise i can just read portuguese, just read like normal, and understand. its amazing!
onto other things, we had a really successfull family home evening with our christmas couple, who are planning on getting married and baptized those days. we sat them with this family in church who has a daughter and a son, each of them mid 20´s and married, and so they all got to being friends, and we set up a family home evening this week, and iut was a huge success! me and elder pope (an american misisonary with the night terrors, i was on a division) taught the message as the plan of salvation, or the 2nd lesson missionaries teach. it was really really good, they understood and accepted all of it, and bruno (the guy) has tattoos and looks all tough, but he loves his future wife so much, and he was like ´ i told her before we met you guys that i wanted to be with her for more than just ´until death to we part´´ it was just so spiritual slash amazing! and afterwards he was already making casual jokes in reference to what we taught, like he´s been a member alrady for years. Elder pope was saying how they should move to his side of ouro branco, since thats where he works, so they can stay in better contact, and bruno was just like ´ no, our side of ouro branco is like the celestial side, and yours is like telestial´ haha! it was just great. and members were bearing their testimonies, everyone was doing their part and we were all progressing in the gospel, it was as of now a highligh of my mission, just to see how that night was exactly how our missions are supposed to work. it was great!
i have really been mission your homemade bread mom, i just thought you would appreciate knowing that they dont really care that much about good bread here, and its all like a wal mart loaf, but worse, i think your homemade bread will be one of the first things i want whenever i am back!
so ive counted 6 times now weve entered the home of somebody, anybody, and the whole family is watching the american tv show ´ everybody hates chris´ that comedy thats normally on the basic cable. haha! everyone in brazil loves specially that show, and im not sure why, ive never seen them watch other shows from the USA except for that, except for we entered a members home yesterday to find that the dad and his two over 20´s sons were watching high school musical three. haha. it was still in english, but just had subtitles.
aanyways, i have been having problems with my eyes lately. not in vision, or pain, but they have been partially red in the same place for 3 weeks now. 2 weeks ago i got eye drops that were a knockoff brand, and they sort of helped, didnt do that much. but this past week i bought the good stuff, and now the problem is completely gone. first, i think that brand and off brand really is a difference here, as opposed to most things in the US. and second, i think it was a mix of being tired, and my large eyes being exposed to the sun ALL THE TIME, and that just puts wear on them. but its better now, so no worries
i got to work in a trio for the first time friday, me my companion and that elder pope. i thought it was going to be bad because i have alwasy heard how trios are never good, but it was actually a big success! we had alot of fun (and still did work) and our lessons were really good, way effective, it was just a success! ive been thinking alot about my missionary (michelle Mink 2013 :) ) and i am excited for when we are both back to help out the missionaries in our ward if they need someone to host an FHE, or anything, and also i am so excited for you to experience a mission too michelle!!!! hey, i love you! oh ps, that picture you sent me..... HAWT. whaat?
there is this thing here called terere (pronounced tededeyy) that is like a bunch of herbs, and you put it in a cup, then pour juice of your preferred flavor, and you drink it through this fancy straw thats metal and has a filter, and its sort of like tea but not, becaquse you are just getting a rich herby taste with the juice. when i first tried it, i didnt like it, but after bieng here longer its actually really good! oh also, another thing, here everyone believes that caffeine is not a problem, coffee and black tea are not allowed, but any other tea and and soda with caffiene is fine. why is it different here than it is there? which is right??
well its about time for me to go now. im so excited for the christmas call! joseph, write me back! i love you all so much, and the next email i could be telling you that i am getting transfered, but we will see! its exciting, to be honest i want a new area, here where i started and stunk, and had my first trainer, i just want a clean slate in another area. but we will see! i love you all so much! have a great week, i am praying for you, working hard, never slacking, michelle my belle i am sending you letters every single week, about the address if you are going to stay in the same apartment i will just keep sending them there during your 2 weeks off, and you´ll return to alot of letters!
i love you all, have a great week and enjoy the time you have together! only one more sunday until we get to call on the phone, and i can try to speak correct english! i love you guys, until next week, goodbye!!
-Elder Zachary Paul Hoskin

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dear family, Hello!!
Grandma and Grandpa, thank you very much for your email! i am glad to hear that everything is coming along fine, also i am very excited to recieve your package! i promise i will try my best not open it until christmas, this will probably be easy because everyone always trys to take things from other missionaries who are just opening packages, and i cam open it in peace. so thank you!
ok now for the main letter! thank you everyeon for your emails, seriously much appreciated, i feel more and more like im at home for the holidays when i can read all of your emails at once, like were all sitting in my living room just chatting about our week.. but anyways
so we returned back to our house after the craziness, wow that week in the house of the secretaries was crazy. 10 people living in an apartment apartment, it was so crammed but also stress free and fun for me, because unlike everyone else i organized and kept everything in my suitcases. lots of missionaries lost stuff, ´took´ small things, and other madness ebcause of a lack of organization, but my stuff was all kept safe. in fact, i lost the locks on my suitcases, so i couldnt access my things all week, i only used the 3 sets of clothes that i already had in my dirty laundy bag, but it ended up just being for my benifit (also, we used some power tool to cut through the locks two days ago, so now i can acess my stuff). but being with the secretaries was fun, everyone thinks that this next transfer (december 20th) im going to be called as the next secretary. to be honest, i have had that feeling as well, but who really knows? we will only see. but we moved back to the house just fine, and i am all settled in with my own personal space again, which i very much missed.
the phone call is only 3 weeks away!!! i think that it is only going to be a phonecall, i hear that skype here is terrible and when missionaries try to skype, it always cuts out and is fuzzy, and the call gets lost. so basically we can try to skype, or have the assurance of a solid hour on the phone, and i think were just going to try for a phone! its going to be crazy this year, anbd let me explain why. what normally happens is that brazilians cant call the us from their phones, but americans can the other way around. so the p day before christmas i will send you the number of the phone of the member who you will call, and we will coordinate times, and then you guys will call and i will be there to answer. now this is the thing, transfers are the monday before christmas, so if i am transfered i will not know the number that you need to call,since i´ll be going to a different area. crazy right!!! well if that happens one of two things will and can occur. one is that i get permission to send you another email only coordinating the phone call after the transfer, and all is well on christmas. or the other, is that i email you the stuff the monday after christmas, and we call that day. i have heard missionaries sometimes do either when this situation arises. but also, i could not be transfered, and all will be just peachy. but as we coordinate here with the ward, i will keep you and us as updated as i can!
i think i am officially fluent in portuguese! my companion told me that i have reached that point, and thinking about it i agree. i talk and talk and talk now in portuguese without thinking about it in my head like a translation, i think that constitutues fluent, but that is exciting if you ask me! it will be interesting to see how my portuguese will keep improving, because it of course can always improve. i also dont want to waste any time on the phone call displaying my portuguese, but maybe just a sentance to prove im actually doing it haha...
our brazilian soccer team dad, corintians, are the national champions! they won yesterday, and are the hoskin brazil club team, their emblem is and an anchor and 2 oars, like crew, and they are just sweet. look them up dad! i already bought that one jersey of theirs, and someone else gave me another, now i have a black and a white, haha but all of londrina was going nuts when they won, i thought of pittsburgh after the superbowl, and also of how everyuone will just get drunk, and it will be harder to find people to teach last night, and truth be told it was, but my companion was sick last night, so we had to go b ack to the house anyways
we have a couple who are basically elect! they were at church this week and we have a marriage/baptismal date set for christmas (night time, dont worry ;) ) so i am really excited for them. they werent showing up to church yesterday during first hour, so i did something i had never done before all by myself. i got a member to drive me to their house (my companion stayed, he was talking with president tavares, this was allowed because i was with a priesthood holder) and we drove to their house, and i was nervous because i didnt have my trainer, but i knocked on the door, woke them all up and brought them all to church! i felt like i was a missionary for sure, it was pretty sweet. also, we got another young couple to sit with them at chruch, and now theyre all friends and were going to have FHE´s combined and everything, its great! really shows how working with the ward is so much more successfull than choosing not to.
i have to go now, but thank you all so much for everything that you do! my week wasnt that interesting to be honest, but i will continue to write you michelle! as always : D, and cherish all your guys´ emails, i love you all, and i hope you have a good week! youre all in my prayers, im thankful for the oppertunity we have to all be a family, talk to you next week! bye!!
-Elder Zachary Paul Hoskin

Monday, November 28, 2011

hello family,
i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving! from what it sounds like, that is definitely the case
dad, thank you for your email, im sorry that penn state lost but it sounds like they had a good year. that is sweet about TIAA creff and ayco, you will be getting paid for 2 jobs for a few weeks, haha. im glad to hear that the outhouse and thanksgiving were overall a success, i wish i would have been there too, but only one more thanksgiving until iim home!
mom, it is true that i am doing well when it comes to staying warm, in fact it is too warm here, i cannot escape it! but all is well with food too, brazilian missionaries literally will steal everything, but i bought locks for my suitcases and keep everything guarded. in truth i didnt do anything special for thanksgiving, it made me very sad during the whole day because of that, but i hear that christmas is way worse, at least i will be able to call!!!! im sorry to hear about boo and a porcupine, i hope that she learns from it though, and doesnt go at the next porcupine she sees. teaching always teches the student and the teacher together, so i am glad to hear that you are learning as well! i got your package this week with the scriptures and cookie mix in it!!! i will make it a few weeks into the future, but i will explain why later. thank you so much fo the package, i loved everything. i will give the bookmarks to people, i am using some myself as well, and everything else will be so handy, so thank you very very much!
now time for what happened this week, well this week has been crazy to say the least, mostly whats happened the last 2 days, but i will go in chronilogical order, because i took notes for the email and michelles letter during the whole week! ok here we go
this week was the third of a year mark for me! already?!! only 5 more of this and my mission is done, it didnt seem like a ton with 3 months but 4 months is very close to half a year. exciting, right?! a third of a year wooo
well first of all i had the oppertunity to go to mcdonalds this past tuesday, i got a chicken sandwhich, and fries. why chicken sandwich, and not a burger since im nowhere near america? well i thought about it, but in america i always got the chicken anyways, i feel less gross afterwards. but it was good, basically tasted the same as in the sates.
i cut my own hair this past monday as well, i think i am going to make it a point to keep it nice and short from now on, it was raelly hard cutting ALL THAT HAIR, it was so long, seriously long to the point i could shake my head and it would fly around, but all is well now.
this week i really got around to seeing the more impoverished side of brazil, we worked in an area that we have never worked in before, and its abasically all slums, or favelas. it was sad to see people living so poorly, but all we can do as missionaries is help bring the gospel into peoples lives, it can make anyone happy, no matter what other circumstances!
ive started cutting up an apple every morning, putting it in a bowl with some delicious granola and milk. also, for a dessert like treat one day, i got 2 pieces of bread, some peanut butter, and a bar of chocolate, and grilled it on the george forman grill. i know the ladder really isnt healthy at all, but the truth is i have been eating healthier, and also have been getting slowly and slowly more fancy with what i make, and so my food situation has been improving i would say
this week i had my first experience, with a mother beginning to and continuing breast feeding during a lesson, like it wasnt a big deal or anything. apparently this happens in brazil sometimes, and so as soon as i noticed it was all eye contact from there. it was awkward for me to be honest, but i hear that it will happen more during the mission, i will just always make eye contact
one thing that dad might find interesting here, much like the brazilian soccer team, everyone calls everyone by their first name in church. i really discovered this because our stake president was at out sacrament meeting this week, and they called him ´brother antonio´ and out bishop ´bishop junior´ and never by the last name! that is so like brazil, to call people by there first name like the soccer players.. brazilians
so now to the reason why my week has been crazy. before i really start, no harm has been done to me! so all is good. but earlier this week we have seen 2 guys who are inb 20s or 30s passing our house, and looking in and such all shady. now in our mission the past weeks there have been 2 counts of robbers braking into missionaries houses and literally stealing everything, cleaning everything out. so my companion was talking to a taxi driver friday night outside our house, and while doing so the 2 guys and 2 others passed by AGAIN, and this time elder de jesus heard them say that it will be easy to rob our house, because were missionaries, and all they need is a gun and we will give them anything, and that ´americans have money´ so we called our mission president saturday night after we got home, to tell him what we heard. and he told us to literally pack up everything we own in 15 minutes, we were going to live with the secetaries downtown. so he called 3 taxis for us, and we all scrambled and scrambled to pack up everything in just 15 minutes! ahh it was so stressful (all my stuff is fine) and then we started loading everything on the taxis. well i was standing my one when a car passed my really slow, and i saw a guy on his cell phone, looking at our house, and i heard him say ´they are leaving, they are leaving´ but he used the verb leaving like we were moving houses, not just leaving for the day. so he was totally in on it, and we dont know but he could have been scoping the house out one last time before they would have gone in that night! so it was a scary experience, but we all made it safe and sound to the house of the secretaries
i remember feeling some random urge to start putting my clothes in my suitcases, earlier that night. i was taking my dry clothes off the line from that day, and i just had this urge to not put them in the dresser, but start packing. so i did, haha, and literally 10 minutes later was president saying to pack everything up and leave! and other missionaries had other little feelings or promptings during that night, and we were truly delivered by the lord. it was a crazy experience, but to know that the spirit is 100 percent in my life is something that comforts me alot.
so now for the aftermath, there are 8 of us living in the apartment of the secretaries downtown, and we have to pay for the bus to leave for our area and to return as well, whenever we go to work in our area. we are going to waste so much money! we dont know yet, but the mission president has 3 options from here on out; find a new house (most likely), emergency transfer us to other areas for a while (less likely) or close the area completely (2nd most likely). so we will see what happens! i think that we are going to just get a new house, in an apartment building thats tall and everything, because those always have aprking lots, and walls with barbed wire, and are 100 percent safe
also, i think i wont have a p day today because sister tavares just called and saif that we have to go to the house and literally clean everything! and there are tons and tons of weeds in the section of the backyard, and she said that we have to make it so that it is just dirt. i am mainly concerned with writing michelle a letter this week, i think that i will have time to do it back at the house, but this work will take up a couple of hours :/ not exactly what i want to be doing on my p-day. and also not exactly how i wanted my thanksgivng to happen!
but overall the good news is that we are protected by the lord and safe, and that is really what matters. thank you all once again for the packages! i treasure them so much, and i will make those cookies one day when we actually have a real house. i heard that if we get a real house it will take about a week a week and a half, but who knows, we will see!
oh one other thing, our ward had 23 investigators at church this past week! it was packed, and was awesome to see. we have plenty of people that are progressing, and that is what is most important, building a relationship with out heavenly father.
i have to go now, i love you all so much! i think about who i want to see in heaven, and its the people that get this email. i will keep everyone in my prayers and thoughts always, and will do my absolute best to be the best servant of the lord i can be. i love you all so much, until next week, have a good week!
-elder zachary paul hoskin

Monday, November 21, 2011

ok family so here is the letter!

starting off with basically where i left off, my new companion is elder de jesus. and let me just say that he is an amazing companion, and missionary, it is unbelieveable how much i have learned from him in just this first week. he actually corrects me when i say something wrong, and already things that i was saying wrong i say right now subconsciously, its just amazing. our personalities get along really well, were actually very similar, and he likes to work like an iron bull, so we have just been slugging it out, and i love it!

he is half black, which just makes him all that much more sweet, and he is from the capital, brazilia. he has been a member for 2 years, and was baptized in 4 days, the missionaries taught him on a wednesday, he recieved an answer from god the next day, and was baptized that sunday, before he had even been to church. he is an amazing teacher, and is teaching me a ton. he worked in a butcher shop for 2 years, so he knows how to cut any meat like a champ. it has been really good with him!

one of his biggest things, that was also something that i wanted to do that i can do now, is we are really focusing on working with the ward. we are going to buy a big map, and pins, and mark all of our references, investigators, and members in our area to help work with all three, and this will make our work much more efficient.

because of transfers, we literally have 10 missinaries on our house this week from monday to friday, it was crazy! i locked all of my stuff in my suitcases, and it was always crowded and nuts, but dont worry michelle because i still wrote just as much erre day, and will be sending it tomorrow!

i got to watch the restoration movie (in portuguese :/) the other day because we were watching it with an investigator, it really made me miss america but at the same time was also nice to see america, so i really enjoyed it.

turns our president has said that we can use the hour for dinner that they dont use here in brazil to take a break during the day if we want to. so me and elder de jesus on really hot days take about a 15 minute brake at a little ice cream shop, where a 2 scoop cone is only 1.5 reals, about a dollar, and that little break really does wonders for the whole day. its just been really efficient and great this week to be honest.

one of the americans who stayed at our house when there was 10 of us thought i was brazilian for an entire day before i spoke to another american in english, what the heck!? i dont know why, he said just because he thought i looked brazilian, but i look exactly the same as usual, dont worry, i am still nice and white.

we had a baptism for this week, but it didnt work out for the worst reasons. isabela is 16, and has a great desire to be baptized. she lives with her mom and aunt, and her aunt on the day of the baptizm forbid her to be baptized. her aunt is a less active who smokes and all, and she literally destroyed the work of the lord. it was sad to see, but there wawss nothing else we can do

i hope everyone will have a great thanksgiving, we have so much to be thankful for this year. i am thankful for michelle, the love of my life! and my family, who are also an amazing support to me, and the oppertunity i have to be on a mission, and my new companion who is absolutely great. i just am so glad to be where i am right now, i have everything i will ever need for my entire life! the gospel, my family, and the woman i am going to be sealed for for eternity. i really am greatful for everything guys, i hope that i display it because i really feel it. and being here is hard, but that doesnt mean that it is wrong, this is where i am supposed to be, and while i have yet to actually think about coming home at all, i know that something like that would only be bad for every single one of us, so i dont even think about it

one thing that has been a big improvement for me this week has been in my prayers. going along with the sacrament story, my prayers have really improved this week, and they are helping me out alot in feeling better, and doing the lords work.

until next week, you guys are all in my heart, thoughts, prayers, everything! until next week family, michelle :) i love you!!!

elder zachary paul hoskin

dear family, let me start off by saying that i am sorry!!!!

there was a problem with the computer that i was at last week, and it wouldnt send the email via internet, but i still typed it up and saved it as a draft, and just send it before this one, so i hope that that makes it ok. im really sorry for the mix up, everything is fine with me, just a crappy LAN house that i will never go to again, i am here in my favorite spot, a lan house near the brazilian version of wal mart, called MUFFALTO. WOO!

anyways family,

thank you grandma and grandpa for the email first off. i am very happy to hear snake river is the state champions, i need to get me a snake river t shirt, and become a fan of the team of my family! im glad to hear that everything is going well, thanksgiving should be an exciting time for everyone, i am going to try and make myself have some sort of a thanksgiving this week, we will see what happens.

dad, thank you very much for the email. i am EXSTATIC to hear that you got the job at Tiaa creff! and can also heal up around the house. i dont know many details at all about this job, but i just feel good about it, so i am happy for you. i am also very pleased with how the devils and penn state and even oregon are doing. if they win the stanley cup while im gone, it will be hard to forgive them. same goes for sucess for penn state and oregon. but the mission requires sacrafices, so all is well, my dream of a 2 year lockout so that i wouldnt miss anything has come and gone. i will keep praying for your arm, and for everyone, i think its going to be nice to have you home around all the holiday times, i can only imagine how nice and cold it is there, with some nice turkey... well ribs for ben, but all the same for me, things i will need once im back! thank you for the email dad, i will keep you in my prayers

well to start off i will start with the bitter news this week. this week was a bit of a ´hard pill to swallow´ week, for two reasons, two rules that are now in my missionary life that have been difficult to accept, but i know are the lords will, so i have been trying my best to accept with and make the best of. the first one is the hardest for me. well i would write michelle everyday during my free time at night and in the morning, and i was approached my a zone leader in my house who said that that might be agaist the rules, since it is writing here even though its really just a journal. so he said he would ask the mission president the next day to clear it up. well he talked to him, then president talked to me, and i am not allowed to write like that anymore to michelle. this is extremely hard for me, because i want to write her every day, and it doesnt affect a second of my missionary schedule, but i will only be able to write one big letter on p-day now. this week has been hard for me accepting it, i literally sit there and am not doing anything, but i cant write her, it was near torture. but i have been praying for the comfort that it is the will of the lord for my mission for me to imply that rule, and i have felt better since. i know even tough its hard i will still send you a letter every week michelle, about everything i did, i will just write it on monday. and it will likely be shorter, but i will do the best i can, we just need to keep putting our trust in the lord, and it will all be fine. so that is the first one that has been a big depressing change for me this week. but the letters will keep coming, and all will be well! i promise, i love you m!

the second rule is a new rule for the whole of brazil. normally, if there is only a woman in the house, we can teach her outside on the property, because normally brazilians have a gated property with chairs outside and such. but now there is a rule that we cannot be on the property of any house that only has women, or male or female under the age of eighteen. a man has to be there for all occasions, we cant even teach on the property anymore. this will literally drop the baptisms, lessons, all of the ´numbers´ and really success that brazil has, it already is showing with us. we passed by literally 27 houses yesterday, and only 2 had a man in the house and recieved us to teach. its a hard rule to follow, but it is a necessary rule for some reason, thats why its there, same for all the rules, so i will follow them and hope that everything ends up ok.

the brazilians in my apartment looked at my family pictures the other day, and told me that my family, mainly my parents, look like they could be brazilian. haha! what the heck? i dont know where that came from, but i thought you would appreciate it

its been really cold here some mornings, and i have been loving it. i truly am missing the holiday feel right now, and anything to make it feel more like the holidays the better!

my companion told me to teach him some of the commandments in english the other day, in order to help him learn english, as i started, i was literally having serious trouble saying complete, gramatically correct sentances. it made me sad, and also scared the crap out of me. i literally hadnt talked outside of casual conversation in this email for a long time, and i was having so much trouble that i stopped completely, and didnt teach anymore in english, i need to keep emailing, to write the love of my life, to be able to keep my english

i had a bar of chocolate here that had toasted coconut in it, i dont know if they have this back home, but everything here has coconut in it (which i love) and that chocolate bar was really good, so if they have it in america look for it, because i was tasty! speaking of which, i had another fast this week, i fasted for help with these new rules that have come to pass. it was a really good fast, specifically because i literally had revelation about them, to help me cope, in the scriptures. its a scripture that i came accross that i like alot, michelle it will be in the letter you get for this week!

i got to do some service this week! a sister in my ward needed a big bench whitewashed, and so while my companion did nothing because he cant paint, i got to paint the whole thing. it was SO NICE. i have always realy liked doing things with my hands, fixing things, making things, painting things like now, just howard roark capitalism, making things out of my own capacity. so it was really almost therapudic, and also looked really nice afterwards haha

im sorry that i used the card somewhat this week, our bi weekley money that we usually get just didnt go through last week, so no one had anything and i had so use the card a little, but all is well now so good for that. also, my hair is extremely long, like fro long, and i need to cut it, so i am going to use the card one more time to buy a hair cutting maching today so that i can just do it myself during my whole mission. that will come in handy!

i found a little gold mine two days ago, i found a stack of enlgish ensigns in our house! i read the april one from 2010, all about the atonement of jesus christ, and it made my sabbath day so much better, i will continue to read them and be edified because ensign is really a great resource

guess what i got my hands on this week?! two things; first, a brazil soccer jersey! for our team, called the corintians, their emblem has two oars very similar to that of MTL crew, and they are black white and red. also, i got a hammock! the one in the picture that i was in the other week of me in a hammock, that exact one, because the missionary left it for me who got transferred somewhere else. i will keep it and bring it home, my first brazilian things to bring home to america! ps dad, i will get you some jerseys, i was going to surprise you but someone very special to me has got me in the habit of not caring about surprises ;)

so me and my companion are doing really well. we get alot really well, like good friends. he listens to the same music i do, like 30 seconds to mars, even oldies like journey and such, so we just sing while we walk and it keeps me happy. being more tight than other companions i have been with has also improved our teaching, i am learning a ton from him, about portuguese and teaching alike. i have this stack of flash cards that i bring with me and study like a little dork as we walk as well, and that is really nifty because i can just turn them over, and he can learn the same words in portuguese.

i hope that everyone has a great thanksgiving, being with family. enjoy it! because i cannot, and i really wish that i was with michelle, my family, everyone, just together and happy. but i will be with you guys some day. so EVERYONE give EVERYONE an i love you for me, maybe a hug, or just a happy thanksgiving, and lets keep praying for eachother! i love you all, until next week!

Elder Zachary Paul Hoskin

Monday, November 7, 2011

Family! This letter is going to be awesome, ive read all of yours and you guys had such great news and such! so i will respond to that soon. Also i have great news and experiences to share, so this is going to be a happy letter!
First of all im going to start off by saying, thank you for the emails and letter! i appreciate them so much, they make my week great, so thank you!
Grandma and grandpa, thank you for your email. it was uplifting, and i am glad to be able to continue to be kept up to speed in your lives. happy birthday! i didnt know beforehand, but i am happy for you! Go Snake River!

Dad, thank you for your email very much. im nowhere near the sons of mosiah, but i am the son of Robert hoskin! and i use you and them as examples daily. to answer your question, i am doing much better than previous weeks, because hands down this was the best week of my mission, when it comes to missionary work and growing as a missionary. im sorry to hear that your surgery had been painful, i have been praying for you every prayer, and also included you in my fast this week, so i hope that helps because thats all i can really do from here. thank you for sharing that missionary experience for me, it has been tough but i am working it out. also, ive been pretty uptight the first couple of weeks as a missionary when it comes to my personality, but this week i have found the balance to loosen up and be myself, while still being a missionary, and i see the difference in my happiness during the day, and the relationships and success that i have with my companion, other missionaries, investigators and members alike, so that is improving! Thank you for the inspiring words about money, i always feel bad using money in that account, but i promise you i will use it as you have directed, and feeling bad will help me use it more wisely. and its true, i will never waste it on anything, in fact i dont have oppertunities to really waste it, but i will be wise with it. Father, thank you so much for being able to be in a position where money is not a huge scare for us, it really helps to know that if i am hungry, i can buy stuff, and its all because of your hard work. i really appreciate it! The devils need to step it up, i think that we need to figure out how we can help. but im sure they will turn it around... and the penguins.. i dont know what to say about them. im sorry joseph and alayna arent coming out for christmas, i got the impression this week that i should start emailing joseph and alayna personally, just to keep in touch with my brother, so i am going to do that. joseph, were going to email every week!

Ok now to my week, well the first thing i want to talk about is the good news that i have today, and that is... I GOT MY FIRST BAPTISM!!!!! wooo! i baptized João (Name removed for good reasons.) on november 5th, 2011, my first baptism. and for those whove seen v for vendetta, remember remember, the 5th of november. ok so anyways, i had made a calendar for john with a scripture each day to help him continue to overcome his drug addiction. and president tavares had known about john because we had to call him to know when we could reschedule his baptism. so president called me during this past week and asked what we were doing to help him, and the progress and stuff, and he said that he felt like since john was fulfilling all of his commitments we could baptize him ´in any moment´ so we had the baptismal service saturday night! and his family was there, and they all told us that they could see the change in his life, and i think were going to baptize them too! its all good with John, im so happy to be able to get my first! now i dont have to worry about numbers, and i can just focus on being the best missionary i can be.
For other news, my training is over after only half the time. Today is the day that everyone finds out if theyre being transfered, because transfers are today, and my companion is being transfered out of here to another area, and i am no longer a trainee, just a junior companion. CRAZY! i dont know why it happpened, because i need to be trained for 12 weeks, but now theres no excuses for anything, i am a missionary just like everyone else, not being trained. wel this is exciting! my new companions name is elder de jesus, or of jesus, haha i dont know about these names! but he´s going to be the district leader, and i am his right handy man. but my companion doesnt know what happened. anyways, new companion tomorrow, how crazy!
now to explain the pictures really quickly. one is me, 2 p-days ago, relaxing in a hammock of another missionary, looking through my photo album of michelle and me. another is my face, super excited for baptism! and another is me, my companion, john, and his dad at the chapel for the baptism. the other is of my old district, which i dont even know why i put the picture up now because its all being changed, but i hope you like the pictures! the one of the hammock can be in my plaque at the 5th ward chapel hahah.
ok so this email has been all over the place, now i will email about the things that i had noted chronilogically.
there are am/pm´s here! its wierd because everything literally gas is brazilian, but somehow they have convenience stores here the same. i wonder if ill ever see a 711..
i had a division again with my old district leader, elder bennett, and it was amazing. first of all, we had lunch at a gourmet self serve place, and it was once again the best meal that ive had in brazil, better than the all you can eat bbq from the week before. i learned alot from elder bennett once again, its great being with american missionaries sometimes. but we had a miracle! here it goes. we were trying to find the house of a reference we had written down, and so we knocked on the door of a house near the area to ask for directions. well we got to talking with the father, and we asked to share a message. turns out, the spirit had put us there in that exact day, in that exact moment. he (renaldo) had been in portugal for the last year, and had just returned the day before. he had taken all the lessons with the missionaries, and we during the lesson learned that he had been going to church for 2 months! and had a testimony of the book of mormon, and had been looking for an LDS church here, and couldnt find one. and he wanted to be baptized, but ran out of time in portugal. so its not in my area, but they are going to baptize him next sunday, it was truly the spirit that lead us there because he was truly prepared to recieve us haha. and also another big thing happened. there was a guy sitting in front of his house smoking cigarettes that we started talking to, and during the restoration lesson that we were teaching him on the street we all felt the spirit, and he was totally fired up, so we asked if we could literally take his cigarettes and throw them away for him, and he was like yes! i am going to quit. and so apparently elder bennett and his companion returned the next day, and elder bennett said it was one of the most powerful spiritually experiences he has had in his entire mission, and that he knows that man and his entire family are going to be baptized. so it was a transfer with alot of spirit, and i was very much grateful for it!
Just a side note, dad your nametag that i brought with me now sits all nifty on my desk where i can see it everyday, when i said earlier that i look to you as an example i meant it! haha :)
so i was sort of pouting over the fact that i wont have any sort of thanksgiving, and i came across this scripture during my personal study. 2 nephi 8:3 literally talks about how i can have thanksgiving in any place, so that i just what i am going to do! try my best to make it feel like thanksgiving is here.
I also had the oppertunity to have a division with another missionary this week, one elder Thiago. it wasnt a big one because he is an assistant to the president and we live in the same house, so we just spent the whole day working with eachother, then returned to our companions. i dont think i will ever have an oppertunity to work with a missionary with as much experience as he has, seeing has how he is done with his mission and is going home the day after tomorrow. ive really looked up to him during my time here, and with him we taught alot of great lessons, so i was glad for the experience. he has been giving away some of his stuff since he is leaving, and while he hasnt started that much i have aquired a really nifty bright gray v neck sweater here! i will get a picture of me in it because i want michelle to see :)
things have been really crazy here, and will only get more crazy because of these transfers, i literally found out i was getting a new companion as i was typing this! and now my companion is not going to buy groceries since he is leaving, and its just going to be a big mix up! elder teuscher, my zone leader is being transfered, and i liked him alot, he was always someone i could talk to since hes an american and all, but that is okay because i still have an elder pope, who is crazy at night but is growing on me.
i have to go now, things are crazy because of the transfer, but i hope you like this email! i love you all so much, and am grateful always, i say thanks for every one of you in every prayer this week, it was a good experience. and i will continue! please lets keep eachother in our prayers, and until next week, i love you guys!!!
-Elder Zachary Paul Hoskin

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hey family,

I love you guys! Well this week has been interesting to say the least, mostly with my growth as a missionary, but i will respond to everyones messages first.

Joseph, thank you for the advice! i guess i will just have to deal with it, im not sure how else i can get music onto the ipod, but its not that big of a deal so thats ok. im glad to hear that you and alayna are doing ok. i never got your package :( there was a mail strike here in brazil towards the end of my time in the MTC, and i think that i just missed your package, and the MTC doesnt forward packages out to the field because of cost :( but thank you anyways brother!

mom, haha i like how you imagine me cramped in some internet cafe, because thats just exactly what its like, i am always the tallest person everywhere and its not usually that big of a deal, but ive hit my head off a couple of things, but all is ok. thank you for your words about how when you are down, you always think of other thimes that have been worse, and think ´that was worse´ im not going to lie to you, this time separated from michelle is going to be what i look back on in my life and say ´nothing is as hard as that was´ i dont even think that i comprehended what it really meant, when i knew that us waiting for eachother would be the hardest thing we will ever have to do in our entire lives.

how is dad´s surgery recovery? ive been concerned for him all this week, i hope that he is doing well. i am really happy to hear that you and abby are enjoying schooling, she will learn so much more! and not have to worry about other things that will be menial and not important in the future. thank you for the bit on integrity, i am grateful to be a son that you can be proud of, i hope that me being down and depressed doesnt dampen that, i am really trying my best out here. i think wade stinnet will be ok, i am having difficulties as well, everyone does who is american, but i hear that after the four or five month mark you get happier because you can not worry about the language, and can understand people. i had the worst lesson of my life yesterday, some guy was chain smoking and just asking us questions trying to destroy our religion while we were giving the message, and after 5 minutes i stopped talking because he couldnt understand me because he was drunk. after we left, i just sat on the curb with my head in my hands, and almost broke down. it was a low point, just nothing was going for me, people werent understanding me,

but we went to an investigators house with a member later who i like, his name is cleber i think i mentioned him before, and i went into the bathroom, kneeled down and just begged heavenly father to help me. especially since ive been separated from michelle i have had many, many prayers where i pour my soul out to him, but i dont think that i have ever in my life begged and pleaded with him for mercy in my life like i did last night, i just pleaded with him for everything to be ok, for me to improve as a missionary, for me to be happy, for me and michelle to always be in love and have us grow, and that i could get a letter from her today, that dad could be ok, that all my family could be moving along fine, i just poured it out. but i felt the spirit afterwards, the spirit of comfort, and it really helped me. i am still sort of bummed today, i dont quite know why, but i am better.

grandma and grandpa, thank you for the emails. people dont really celebrate halloween down here, they all know about it but no one is festive, or celebrating death like in mexico like you said. when it comes to a package, all i can really request is just candy, like starbursts or other goodies like that, anything that will make here feel more like home, or like america! thank you guys for keeping up with me, i love you

now onto my week, well this week started out great and ended medeoker (sp? ahh thats depressing that i forgot how to spell that word). i had a division wit another companionship on tuesday, with my favorite missionary and good friend now elder whelan. his companion, my district leader, came to my house and spent a day with elder espirito santo, and i with elder whelan in their area, quebec. well, let me just say honestly that i learned more in those 24 hours than in most of my time in the field so far, mostly because elder whelan speaks english, we literally help a 9 hour conversation because i havent been able to genuinenly talk with anyone here because of the language barrier, so it was great!

we started out going to a really fancy chuhaskeria, basically all you can eat bbq, waitors come by every minute with a different kind of meat and offer it to you. someone in the stake presidency took 6 of us missionaries. their area quebec is rich, as opposed to ouro branco which i have learned is a poor area, but still good, but anyways that meal was the best meal ive had in brazil! filet mingon wrapped in bacon, lots of fine meats, and im not usually a meat person. also, i ate wild ram, i thought that was pretty cool. then we went tracting in the rain, which i didnt even care about because i had an umbrella and someone to talk to and not feel so alone all the time.

i learned alot of things, that i will share most of them that i possibly can with you now. this is from elder whelan, and the 4 other missionaries who i spent 2 hours at lunch with, who have all been to different areas in the mission and had different companions and such. first of all, i learned that the house im living in is one of the worst quality in our mission, and the only 6 person! hahah i dont hate it, but i was in the house of quebec, which only has 2 missinaries in it, and it was awesome, just a tiny little apartment thats easy to keep tidy because theres only you and your companion.

i also learned that while im getting discouraged about not baptizing right now, that right now is the time for me to grow. i have a quote that i´d like to share that means a ton to me right now, and will throughout my whole mission ´there is a time to harvest, and there is a time to grow´ right now i am growing, and i am not worrying about getting a baptism, only helping the people im teaching as much as possible, and if that leads to their baptism then great

this week i have been really hungry. 3 of our lunch appointments with members didnt work out, and so we had to eat in the house, but i ran out of money on tuesday because i bought groceries on monday, so it was a struggle. i had to use the PNC card once or twice, both under ten dollars, what is my balance on that? also, with the division and interviews for baptisms that i also went on divisions for, the whole bus thing is really started to take a toll on my money, i dont think i have it bad but it still makes it hard! but now i have money again, and food, and our calendar for meals has been all square and settled with the ward

i learned that alot of these problems i didnt see before my division were literally being kept from me because i am a new missionary, and they dont want me to get too discouraged.. but my ward has alot of problems. only 45 people showed up for church yesterday, and during the final talk two 16 year olds started screaming at eachother and got into a fist fight! it was so intense. and the ward doesnt really like helping missionaries, which is extremely peculiar here because usually wards love missionaries, like when i was on my division, we were setting up a baptism and everyone tried to feed us, and do things for us, and said if theres anything we need, theyre just so nice! but i think that we can help our ward by trying to include people in missionary work more. we brought a member named junior, who is married and never went on a mission, and he has a great desire to help in the work because of that. well we taught 3 lessons with him yesterday (they were all after that experience i had previously said) and they went well, and he was a great help, and i was glad to have him there! i think that using members will be a good thing for the ward, and also a good thing for our investigators. but church was semi bad yesterday, our investigators actually stayed but the other missionaries had 5 people just get up and walk out during sacrament meeting because they didnt like it! i dont know whats going on here, but all the people in our house like the zone leaders and assistants are concerned for our ward.

i heard the song ´its just another manic monday´ in a store the other day, it made me so happy because it was in enlgish, and i remember that song from childhood, i just stood there with my eyes closed and just listened to home, that may sound pitiful but i needed it very much.

this past week was my quarter of a year mark out here! im extremely sure the next 1/4 of a year and so on are going to go by much more quickly than the first, its all about getting into a routine, and not being in the MTC. also, i am going to make the absolute most of these 7 weeks i have left with here in this area with my trainer, but i am very excited to also see what the lord has in store for me next.

theres a food here called pao e quejo, or bread and cheese, its basically a really simple brazilian recipe for cheesey bread, that is made in little morsels about as big as your palm, and i love it! theyre only 50 cents at bakerys, so i dont spend much money, and they are delicious, i even got a recipe from elder whelan for them. it has begun. i have started to collect brazilian recipes to bring home and cook for my family, and then for michelle, as a married couple! right now i have dessert pizza, pao e quejo, and these things called paçocas (pessocas) which are basically the closest thing here to peanut butter, its like a little dessert bar of peanuty goodness, and is real simple to make, so i will continue to collect! and begin to ask members for recipes, because apparently members like giving recipes because they feel like their recipe is the best then, and that it will be in america someday hahaha.

two days ago it rained so hard, and we were stuck in it without umbrellas again! i am literally never trusting my companion when he says we wont need them. but anyways, i was sick of being wet, so i pulled out my instincts from childhood. i spotted a big cardboard box that had been broken down and on the sidewalk for trash people, and the most dense tree i could find, and we literally held the box over our heads for an impromptu shelter for 20 to 25 minutes when it calmed down significantly. i was so lucky to have that box, because we still had 4 hours left in our day and i did not want to be soaked the whole day. but now, i keep everything in my backpack in plastic bags as well, to waterproof it because you never really know when its going to rain here.

i got the families package last week! thank you so much, i thought it was going to take longer to get here but it got here in 10 days! everything everyone said here about 3 months to get one is a lie, maybe when im out of londrina in an area and have to wait a few weeks to someone to bring the package to me, since right now im here as soon as they get them. but thank you! i am spreading the jam so thin to prolong it as long as possible, and i am saving the socks and deoderant for when all mine are trashed. thank you for the candy! that is how i will be celebrating halloween today, thank you once again for it, adn im excited to get michelles soon! and this next one that your sending, and everything!

Happy halloween!! i hope everyone is having a good one. they dont do anything for it here, which makes me sad, but im going to make it a good day for myself. eat some candy, buy some candy, and write michelle for p day, thats the plan on how to celebrate! and that will be just about how i celebrate every special day from now on, just write michelle and indulge in some sweets.

so this week has been hard for me because im understanding more, and with that i am capable of doing more. but i am having some problems with my companion, to speak in plainness he is treating me like a child, always, yes im a new missionary but i am also the same age as him, and know plenty. also, he tells me how he wants to train me well enough so that i can be a trainer as soon as he is done with me, and i can tell that he doesnt actually want to help me, he just wants to seem like a sweet missionary by me turning out good. but i dont want to complain too much, im trying my best to love him. like michelle told me to do, i am serving him, and i think its going to be ok.

i will continue to keep all of you in my prayers, please keep me because i need you guys. i love you!

-elder zachary paul hoskin

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hello family! Another week has gone by, and i am proud to say that this week was much better than the last week, much much better, so that is an improvement! our usual supermarket and place to email was closed unexpectedly, so we freaked out and walked through alot of downtown londrina to find another place to email. well i didnt really freak out, it was just other missionaries, i actually liked it alot because we got to go through downtown londrina, walk past all the busiest parts and shops, and just enjoy londrina. well i did. and we found a place! so now i am here :)

ok so thank you family for the email! the first thing i want to say is that the emails are in no way a waste of time, i love them very much, and they help me out during the week! so keep em coming just like this.

im glad to hear that penn state won again, it sounds like i am missing out on a good season, but maybe the more penn state fans as missionaries, the better, if that makes any sense. we are!!

my homesickness is still around, its not going anywhere, but thats just part of being a missionary i think. it got better this week, i think the more competent of a missionary i become through language and such the more i will feel like i am needed and belong here, and the more i´ll be willing to wait for things in america, although i will always miss michelle, and i will always miss you guys, and i will always miss america.

its true, my companion does some things that i do not approve of, but i thought about it during this week and i decided, exactly like you said, so just be patient and do what i know is right, and be an example. also, because im able to talk more, im taking more action to keep things going, like starting the message at appointments, ect ect.

well first of all, this week as i have previously said was much much better than last week. the weather was gorgeous here, and i like it alot here when the weather is nice. it makes me think ´i can do this for 2 years´althogh its significantly less than 2 years already, so enough of that, already 1/4 of a year down! (ps right now justin beiber is playing in this internet cafe, are you kidding me?) but the weather here is great, and let me explain why. well apparently because there is so much wind and not huge mountains here, (although its fertile soil) it gets really cool at night, every night even in the summer, and heats up in the day. so in the morning i wake up all cold to mid or high 60s temperature, which is my favorite temperature, and put on my columbia fleece for a few hours, eat some granola cereal, and just get to start off my day right. it also never gets higher than 80 ot 85 right now, and were not quite in the heat of summer yet but its not going to get much worse, so that is good!

ive been practicing the paino more, and i can play a few hymns! guitar class really helped me out alot, and whatever skill i have or dont have when i return, i will definitely build on and practice so that i can play music for my young wife michelle, and my family and whoever! its more versatile than guitar, and ill play both, but still its exciting for me! im glad i bought a simplified hymn book while i was stil in the MTC

christmas music has been all ive been listening to on the ipod, im just getting pumped for a winter that will never come, but it still makes me happy! also i hear that around christmas we do lots and lots of fun stuff as a mission with sister and president tavares, so im excited for that, but most of all to be able to talk to you guys!!

dad, and uncle matt if he is interested, i just want you guys to know that ive seen not just one, but TWO people wearing LT chargers jerseys thinking that they are sweet. haha lt isnt even on the team anymore, but i just thought you guysd appreciate that the chargers fanbase reaches the farmlands of londrina

another shoutout to dad, and joseph mostly, but of course to everyone, in a training that we had by president tavares this past week, we watched a clip of band of brothers, when theyre taking carentan. like a full 5 minute clip of the action sequence, i was like what the heck! band of brothers on the mission??! haha i loved it, and it made me proud of america, very much so

at this point in my mission, a month into the actual field, ive had 3 people ask me if i am german, before they ask if im american or anything, they ask if i am from germany. what?! this does not bode well for the previous paragraph, but i always settle it and proclaim my aleigance, to the flag, of the united states of america. my hair is getting pretty long, good thing its curly, because you cant really tell, and the longer i can keep it the better. there are some missionaries with suprisingly longer hair than i thought allowed, so im going to be able to have it a good length while im here

we also watched the story of john tanner, the video, and i love that story! i encourage all to watch the video the church has on it, and the principles of sacrafice, consecration, and just immense faith that he had, it inspired me, and im sure it will inspire all of you!

another thing about brazilians from this week, i had something that was interesting last night at an FHE. direct translation, its official name is ´bread and meat´they just slab a hunk of meat, ridiculous amounts of miracle whip, and pasta sauce on bread, and just go for it. it made me feel disgusting to eat, mostly all the miracle whip, but anyways...

so one of the missionaries who was an A P in my house got transfered to iguacu falls, and he got replaced my an elder pope. and last night, during the middle of the night, i was scared beyond anything before, seriously ever. he has once and a while basically a mix between night terrors and sleepwalking, he was running around screaming and joker laughing through the house, and then he came back to the room and started slamming things on the floor, and pounding his chest and screaming, and i was just laying in my bed motionless with fear, we all were, and after literally 20 minutes of this, with parts where he would just stand there, motionless and silent, he just got into bed and kept sleeping. it was so scary, i am scared to sleep tonight haha! it was nuts, i cant even describe to you what it was like.

i hope you like the pictures! just some more landscape, and a banana pizza that we made, and my little living space where i study and literally do everything in the house other than sleep, so enjoy! i´ll try to get more of actually me for next time, i promise

anyways i hope this email was good, i love you guys so much! plewase keep me in your prayers, because youre always in mine, and michelle i hope you get my letters, and i get yours next week, family i hope that you all do okay this week, dad i will pray for your surgery, i love you all so much! have a great week, and know that i am being the best missionary i can be, your missionary! with love, talk to you next week!

-Elder zachary paul hoskin

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

now onto my week, well first of all i want to make a shot out to boo, max, abby and jenny be saying that here in brazil there are more stray dogs than i have ever seen in my life. even just dogs for that matter, literally every house has at least one dog, every street has a roaming dog, and very often i see stray dogs running in packs of 4 or 5, i mean what the heck?? haha its just a wierd thing that i thought you all should know
MArriage MArriage marriage!!! we have two couples who we are teaching who now have not only baptismal dates, but are getting lawfully married the day before as well! its very exciting for me, since im so excited for marriage. both of the couples are really nice, and i theyre going to be married the very end of this month or into november, since we have to plan for the weddings. im glad that i get two transfers here then!
we are baptizing someone this sunday! his name is john, and he is a 15 year old boy. he has a book of mormon, recieved an answer to his prayers that the book of mormon is true, and reads every part of the BOM that we leave for him when we teach. he is really a great investigator! he came to church for the first time yesterday and liked it alot, so were going to have a baptismal service next week after church for him. he has been asking lots of questions about a mission and how to go on once, ect, and he seems really interested in being a missionary! which is crazy exciting for me because if my first baptism is someone who is going to eventually be a missionary, that will be incredible!
so a funny story from yesterday, we picked john up from his house to go to church with him (on foot of course) because he didnt know where it was. and we got about halfway there, wearing our suits because its church, and it just literally started to pour rain, like bad hard pittsburgh sort of rain! and we didnt have an umbrella or my jacket or anything, so we ran there and they hadnt even opened the gate around the church yet. so i literally got soaked in my suit from head to toe, just completely drenched. i was miserable for about 4 minutes, then once i realized (once inside the church building) that my camera and portuguese scriptures were unharmed, i accepted it and it was fine. but it was nuts! i guess my first crazy mission experience, because it was like 2nd coming type of rain. but a member drove us home to our house real quick to change our clothes, so it ended up being ok
i bore my testimony in church, in portuguese! for the first time since conference was last week. it was nerve wrecking, but it went well i think! one thing that happened during church that was incredible to me that i didnt relly think about was this. i couldnt understand most of th people bearing testimonies for many reasons, but i still felt the spirit. which was a testimony builder to me because through that i knew that even though i couldnd personally understand what they were saying, the spirit was there, so incredible!

my portuguese is improving, my district leader and people in my apartment tell me that i already speak better than many americans who have been in the field for 4 or 5 months, but i dont let it get to my head, because i know through my patriarchal blessing its one of the gifts god has given me, speaking and teaching, and so i know that since those are being helped with that i need to focus on the doctrine. which is exacly what im doing, i study scriptures hard every morning, and im beginning to memorize them so that i can p ull them out to help investigators.
sunday afternoon tracking, the song ´sunday bloody sunday´was in my head the entire time. because yesterday tracting was literally the least sucessfull day weve ever had. NO ONE was in there house, or NO ONE wanted to recieve us. and i was curious why? then we stopped by a members house for water, and i realized that two of the big 4 in brazilian soccer were playing, and thats why nobobdy was around to listen to us. sunday bloody sunday. the world stops for soccer here! when someone scores a goal, you can hear screaming in all the houses around you. but just so dad knows, our official brazilian club team, i have decided, is a team called... palmieras? something like that, i dont know right now exactly how to spell it, but their colors are green and white, and i like theyre logo, so theyre our team. i cant say i like them for any other reason because i dont watch any soccer out here of course, but they are our team!

one of the american missionaries (one of my zone leaders) in my house has all these jeffry r holland talks, and he is such a great speaker. i bought an 8 by 10 picture of him in the sao paulo distribution center, and he currently hangs over my desk at home. speaking in plainness! i just love it
the jacket that we bought for rain and winter has worked out beautifully yesterday. i broke it out after we changed into dry clothes, and its completely waterproof, and without the liner it doesnt make me super hot. it was a great buy, thank you outlet malls! that was so much fun going there as a family, me mom dad abby jenny michelle, i wish joseph and alayna could have been there but in the future they will be!
so we made a goal for next week, in order to try and help reactivate members, to have a family home evening every night of the week next week, with a different family each night, and each family will invite an inactive family that they know. i think its going to work out well! we have people alrady commited, and its going to help the members here, brazil has alot of inacticvity problems, i mean who doesnt, but brazil is especially bad. so were doing more than just trying to get baptisms! which i love
and now, i go to buy myself some food, so i have to get off email. know that i am eating healthy! and am making smart choices. also, im the only missionary in my apartment who really works out in the mirning, im sure its because the mission has worn down on them, but i dont really ever see myself stopping. im following all the rules to exactness! and its helping all of us, i know it.
i love you guys, so much! thank you for being everything that i care about, my wonderful family, my amazing girlfriend and everything she does for me. you are all such an amazing support, it is incredible! i dont know how i can repay you guys for all you do for me, other than always email, try to be the best missionary i can be, and when i get home be the best son, brother, and husband humanely possible! i love you guys so much, have a fantastic week, i will work hard and hopefully have a good one too. the next time we email, i´ll have had my first baptism, and already be halfway through my first transfer! (even though you have 2 transfers with your trainer) its still incredible to think. i love you guys! talk to you soon :) bye!

Monday, October 3, 2011

OOOOLA familia!!
Hello everybody, this is your missionary Elder hoskin, first email from the field! before i go into lots of details about everything so far, i want to go over some logistical details
first of all, in response to packages, joseph i never got your package and i hope that it will get forwarded out to the field. michelle, (my love :) ) send the package that you wanna send to the mission home address i gave you in londrina! send it there in a USPS flat rate box and i will get it in about nine days. its the londrina address, the only one i gave you guys thats not the MTC, and so long to the MTC!

k here we go!
so tuesday i had to wake up at 330 in the morning, and go to the airport and catch a flight to londrina. oh and ps, the weight limits were very generous, so i got rid of my 3rd little suit case. i just trashed it! then i flew in just as the sun was rising. londrina is a beautiful city! i am here all safe and sound, no problems or anything. the city is smaller, like pittsburgh, and means ´little london´ but its really nice! so as soon as we got off of the plane president and sister tavares were waiting for us, they are extremely nice people! hes so excited about everything, which i like very much because he motivates me. in the Mtc i kept hearing that its not about the nuymbers, and stuff like that. but basically he as a mission president has two things that our mission stresses; exact obedience, and baptisms. i like the exact obedience part! it means i dont have to deal as much with brazilians who are slackers, because everyone here seems to be really good at that kind of stuff. i´ll have to get used to focusing on baptismal numbers, but im a missionary, thats my job, and it doesnt meant we cant have great conversions along the way.
So we spent the morning slash early afternoon at the mission home, and that was nice although i was very tired, lots of orientations and such. they have an apartment on this high rise building overlooking a lake, and i look outside and guess what the first thing i see is?? someone doing crew on the lake! haha i heard that. so that was good being at the mission home, then we got assigned our areas and trainers
i am assigned to the ouro branco A area, and my trainer is a brazilian named elder espirito santo! so translated, my area is named ´white gold´´ and my trainers name in english is elder holy ghost! hahaha. but the area that im in is actually part of the city of londrina, which is what i wanted, i mean there are plenty of other areas not in londrina but i like being in this city. being in the city means that i go downtown every tuesday for distric meeting. while downtown, we send letters and check the mail for the mailing address of the mission home that i gave you guys before i left. thats why packages will be so acessible! and also, i was afraid of when slash if i was going to mail letters to michelle, but i already mailed one on thursday, because we were down there! and my p day is on monday, peculiar, but our district meetings will always be on tuesdays, so tuesday is when we mail letters since we´l be downtown by the post office. so im even sending another one tomorrow! what great news. also, im at an internet cafe right now emailing, so theres not going to be problems with that either
Anyways, so after we got assigned our areas and such, me and my new companion got on a public bus with my two big bags and took a bus for 20 minutes to our apartment. i am thankful that i didnt have a third at that point. so then we got to our apartment. im in an apartment with a total of 6 missionaries including myself, 2 are zone leaders, 2 are secretaries, and 2 are me and my trainer. the apartment is by far the worst living conditions i have ever lived in in my entire life. we have a gross washer and lots of clothes lines, squeegees for the showers to make the water go down the drain, and i have no personal space except for a tiny desk. im not angry about it, i guess its just the life of a missionary. i did hear from them though this is one of the dirtieset apartments in the mission. i have a tiny closet where i hang my suits, shirts, and towel, and literally everything else i either keep on my desk, in my everyday backpack or store in my luggage. thats just the way its gonna be at least for now because i dont want to leave things in the bathroom to get all dirty. but i digress, its ok and i can tough it out.
so the first day we just got right down to it! we went out and taught a family that was currently investigators, and did some contacting. so far weve had good success if you ask me, weve gotten lots of new investigators and taught lessons, we work hard and thats the way i like it. its really a great experience to see how the gospel changes peoples lives. i cant speak very much at all, its so different out here, but i am learning quickly! i know more gospel related things than regular right now, so i help teach the lessons half and half, and my companion does alot of the initial street contacting. he is teaching me alot though, about the language and everything, so that is good!

i love getting all these emails from family. i dont usually have time to respond to them each individually, but i am going to try!

so overall things have been pretty good here. ive been so tired at nights, but im starting to grind into the routine so thats making it better. some nights i have hardly remembered getting into bed after saying my nightly prayers. theres lots of american missionaries, 2 living in my apartment, and everyone is friendly. its just like if i have a happy and friendly attitude towards everyone, it´ll be reciprocated. ive already done ALOT of walking, WALKING WALKING WALKING WALKING, but i like the exercise. im usually bathed in sweat towards the end of the day, but i like feeling like ive done work, like a capitalist hahah
im even getting pretty tan, not ridiculously, i dont think i´ll turn black here, it has its ovecast days, but its true that right now i am going into summer, because the seasons are all messed up, so its going to get hot! my companion told me though that it will never really get about mid to high 80s here, so its not going to be bad at all. just lots of sun, then again walking all day really makes it feel hotter

so back to lunch at memnbers houses. mom, everything you heard on missionary moms is absolutely true. NOBODY eats a real breakfast or dinner here! and its always lunch appoiintments with members, its totally the biggest meal of the day. so im trying to figure out how to cope with that. in the beginning i would cram at lunch because i was soooo hungry, but that doesnt work because im still hungry towards the night, and have just over eaten. so i have started to get wise. im going to eat lunch regularly, and live off of the things that i buy here, and more specially at night clif bars, and things of that nature. so i will need more as time goes on! becasue for lack of a better term i basically live off of those things. i have one a day at night, and it holds me over well.
but the food here is really good! every meal, beans and rice, beans and rice, with some other stuff with it which makes it fine, i dont think im going to have a problem with the repitition

so thoughts about being a missionary now that i am officially in the field; i can do this. for the next 21 and a half months, i can do this. its hard work, and its sort of a survival type deal, but i know this is what i am supposed to do, and there are no doubts in my life. i know that me and michelle are getting married 100 percent, so i dont get extremely stressed over that, just over being able to stay in contact because thats whats important to me. but since ive been out here ive gotten so excited for her to go on a mission, i think she is going to love it if slash when she goes! other thoughts, i know that i can be an instrument in the hands of god. everyone has things that they repent for in life, and since ive been a missionary ive made sure that everything i do wrong gets repented for, so that i can be a missionary. well david a bednar said that you can know you are fully forgiven if the spirit is with you and working through you. and i have seen that constantly since being out here, so yes! the spirit i felt in conference yesterday and saturday was so strong, i was so edified and i am so glad. also other thought, from seeing missionaries out here and seeing myself, i once again know that the only thing thats going to change about me is an increase in testimony and spiritual knowledge. this mission is going to do wonders for me and michelles family, i know it. and thoughts like that keep me going! i am a missionary family, i am actually doing the lords work now, not just some classroom in the MTC. and i want you to know that when i feel really tired or sweaty or worn out that i like that feeling, because i know that i have been doing work. doing the lords work.

ok im going to go respond to other emails like grandma and grandpa and joseph and alayna if i have time. make sure that they get this forwarded email though! i love you all so much, and i will write next week. youre the greatest, and im doing just fine out here. talk to you next week! bye :)
-Elder Zachary Paul Hoskin

Thursday, September 22, 2011

let me start off by saying that i am sorry for the emails as theyve been getting sent so far. they are not great quality because im in the CTM and are crunched for 30 minutes, so this will be the last short slash unorganized one you get from me. i am sorry..
tell michelle i said thank you!!! so much. i sucessfully got clear pictures of all her letters, and will read and respond to them instantly, tonight. so the whole turnaround will be much quicker. also, they are clearer for the camera when in attachments, so can you send them as attachments??
i just saw luke bushman for like 2 minutes, im sad to hear that he was a little wavery but i think he will be ok, im going to get oppertunities to talk to him before i leave the mtc next tuesday
yeah thats right! im leaving next tuesday, its getting so close and i am getting so excited! its going to be great to actually finally be out there, i am so sick of the MTC it is ridiculous, and im even getting sick of my district and companion, which i thought would never happen. im just ready to go!
im glad to hear that penn state beat temple, at least thats a consistent :)
im going to have a new address, but the thing is the address michelle has is the mission address (which you could use) but with that address i can only get mail every transfer. so i woud hold off on the tangible mail until i find out my actual apartment number where im living a week from today, and then if you want to send something you can send it straight there! but dont forget that packages must always be sent to the mission home, and always do it USPS.
ok back to business :) so here we go for my week! i went proselyting on monday for the first time! actuall missionary work, it was really exciting, i wasnt even too nervous after the first person. they gave each companionship 5 book of mormons to hand out, and we handed out 4. im glad we didnt hand all of them out though, because it was totally a quality sort of thing, the 4 people really seemed interested, and we could have given the others to other people but they would have just thrown them away or something.
But it was an awesome experience! i totally loved it. i hear that in brazil you barely go proselyting though, you do most of your contacts of member referrals, which they seem to get a ton of from ward members in brazil, and youre just supposed to talk to at least 10 people a day while your walking from referral appointment to referral appointment
but anyways, back to proselyting! yes, we handed out 4 book or mormons, but the real fun was just getting rejected. i got rejected by so many people, ahahahaha. and some people would be like ´no time´or ´not interested´but i had this one rejection that was the best of all. so there was this mid 20s woman walking down the street about to cross by us, so as we approached her i put out my hand and was like óla como vai? and she didnt even blink, otr flinch, or show any sign that i was even alive, she just completely straight faced me! total rejection, and as soon as it happened i looked over to my companion and i was like ´elder, i just got roasted´haha! because i did. but i dont get down when people reject me, so thats going to be benificial when im constantly getting rejected
i keep hearing that my mission president is really strict, and im actually excited for that! i heard missiion presidents can either be like a father or a boss, and i really hope my guys a boss, because i wanna work work work until i come home

i love you guys, and until next time!